The nVALUATE score module is used by evaluators to record evaluation scores and comments for procurement responses. As a web-based service, your evaluation team can be located anywhere in the world, allowing evaluators to easily record their evaluation results. This tool provides procurement professionals with in-depth reporting including scores, comments, and evaluator progress. Purchase Options



The nVALUATE secure Submit module provides a highly secure portal for respondents. Through this portal they can download procurement requirements and submit securely their responses ready for evaluation. Several options for security are available including a complete Private Key infrastructure, 2 factor authentication and provision for escrow. Purchase Options


All the nVALUATE services are sold on a subsciprtion basis. Each service is based on a monthly or one-off subscription billed to you dirctly.

Before you can subscirbe to the score service, you must have registered with us.


Professional scoring and comment management system for evaluation of a procurement response.

* Volume pricing available on request



Secure portal used by respondents for the download and upload of documents, submission and attachments.